Monday, January 31, 2011

Track Trekking Guide

Track Trekking Guide

Track Trekking; traveling (trekking) around the state(s), province(s), or from country to country, in order to watch races, or participate in races, at more than one track during the trek. Although flying from track to track is technically trekking, this guide is designed for ground transportation.

This blog is a loose guide to help race fans trek from track to track by providing information on track amenities and experiences. Some lodging and camping information may, or may not, be included.

Track Locations:
I recommend The National Speedway Directory, either online or in paperback. Get the paperback and take it with you on a regular vacation, you never know if you’ll be near a track while you’re out vacation trekking.

Track Prices:
Since track admittance prices vary or change so much, exact prices won’t be given. Check at the track’s web sites for further information. However, you can expect the cost of special events to always be higher and crowds to be larger at nationally sanctioned races.

(Hint: if it’s an inaugural or popular event of a national sanctioning body, and you’re definitely going to trek to it, order tickets early, or ask about will call tickets)

Be prepared by making a checklist, which I never do and always forget something.
If you plan on camping at the track, try to get to there early to check on camping availability.

Before you leave your site, make it better than the way you found it.
I recommend state parks for camping if you don’t wish to stay at the track. However, all state parks are different. They may or may not have showers and could be very busy on the weekends, so check on reservations because you may need them.
You don’t have to stay at nation motel chains. I have stayed at some really comfortable and unique ten to fifteen unit motels.
Obey all traffic laws. There’s nothing more depressing than missing a race because you were delayed by a policeman doing his job.
If you take a pet, clean up after them, and I don’t mean crumbs from their treats.
If your pet is a dog, make sure they’re used to racing engines at full song.
If you’re camping with your dog, please have them trained to remain quiet during the night. Remember this, coyotes are growing in numbers everywhere and can get some dogs really cranked up when they start howling.
Respect the track owner’s, or promoter’s wishes.
Be polite, friendly and proud to be a Track Trekker.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Autodrome Chaudiere, Valee-Jonction, Quebec, Canada

Halfway between Quebec City, Quebec and the north western edge of Maine is a relatively new ¼ mile paved track named Autodrome Chaudiere. The nearest town, Vallee-Jonction, is just a couple of miles away and has anything you could ever need. The track has become popular for Canadians and sits in a hilly area that gives you a beautiful view of the Quebec countryside, which can be a bit distracting at times. It was born in 1992 as a dirt track and ¼ mile in length. Four years later they stretched it to 1/3 mile, but transformed it back to a ¼ mile track during the 2005 season and covered with asphalt. The out come is a progressively banked speed-drome with fast, close races.

There are several different divisions that race throughout the year, including, Pro All Star Series, ACT Latemodels, Lucas Oil Sportsman, and a four cylinder class named Kamikaze that has some technically advanced cars, i.e. cambered right rear wheels. Specials include the likes of ISMA, International Super Modified Association, which always puts on incredible, super fast, exotic cars and exciting races.

I must note here that being in Quebec means everything is in French. Quebec used to have English on their street signs, but not anymore. Some Quebecers speak English, but seem put out by it, while others seem to revel in speaking English and act proud of the fact they speak two languages. Personally, I don’t get it. It would seem to me that keeping your head buried in French soil could only hurt tourism.

Hopefully, by the time you get to the track you’ve exchanged US dollars for Canadian dollars. Sure, you can use credit cards at most places, the credit card companies do charge for each transaction exchange (a rip off), but somewhere along the line you’ll need cash. Concession stands are one of those places. Autodrome Chaudiere’s menu resembles many other race track menus, with one exception. Here you’ll find a goopy mess, which is basically what it means, called Poutine (pronounced peut-sin’ by many sources and NOT poo-teen). It’s a concoction of fries, cheese curds, covered with gravy and is very popular in eastern Canada. However, race tracks may serve it with grated cheese, instead of curds. I was at one track that covered the fries with just a cheese sauce yet called it Poutine, but believe me it wasn’t in Quebec. Quebec is where it began in the 50’s and Quebecers can be rather strict about these things.

This was another track that I camped at, but not until I found a person in authority, who was able to speak English and could tell me where there was a good, flat place to pitch my tent. That wasn’t easy because every place was sloped. If you have a trailer or motor home you can park it closer down the hill and/or nearer the highway, if you get there early enough, or move after the races are over.

"Dang it, I hit the trunk release!"
It probably couldn’t hurt to get there during warm ups; you never know what might happen. While I was there, a four cylinder Kamikaze car made contact with the wall in turn two and turned over, sliding down the track on its roof, while a few laps later another Kamikaze car had his hood fly up and cover his windshield. All of the cars, in every division, are beautifully prepared, go through tech inspections to keep the cars equal and put on a great show. Keeping with a French flair, their winner circle ceremonies are probably something you don’t get to see at any other local short track. The top three drivers take the spotlight on a podium similar to the Olympics or Formula One, popping Champagne and spraying anyone and everyone nearby.

Over all, I enjoyed myself and may go back again, if it wasn’t for the language barrier. It won’t prevent me, but it will be something I’ll think about. I think if you go, especially with a buddy or two, or a family member, you’ll have a great time and have plenty to talk about when you get back home.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Innaugural Track Post, Columbus 151 Speedway

The object of my blog is to share my experiences while visiting the various race tracks on my motorcycle, which in this case is a 2005 Suzuki 650 Burgman Super-Scooter. I'm hoping you can use this as a bit of a guide as you go around the United States and Canada, and stopping from time to time to pick up some of the best and most fun grassroots racing on the planet. I'll try to change the track when I can and add tips on traveling from track to track. Thanks for stopping by.

Located east of Madison, WI, 151 is a well manicured, clean, very enjoyable, family oriented asphalt track. It has been around for 30+ years and is the originator of the Backup race. What in the world is a Backup race? You might ask. Hobby stock type cars face the normal counter-clockwise direction, but race in reverse gear going clockwise. One thing you'll notice is a car or two with a spoiler or wing on the hood, since it is now the back of the car. It's quite a hoot! Along with the Backups they run Late Models, Street and Hobby Stocks and Bandits, with races on Friday nights and ending at a resonable hour.  The stands here face south and a little east so the setting sun will never be in your eyes.

Parking Lot
 Everything is priced for the family and you'll love the fact that it's out in the beautiful Wisconsin countryside. The food is normal track food with nothing outstanding, although I didn't try everything there, but you're supposed to be going there for the races and not a dinner date anyway. The lighted parking lot is on the very top of a hilly ridge, but is wide and covered with neatly cut grass, very unique.   One drawback, however, is the old and cracking fiberglass covering on the plank seating. It's not totally uncomfortable, but has a few spots that could pinch your backside, but just a few.  Many people bring a lawn chair and prop it up in the grass, or lay a blanket out to relax and watch the great racing.

Track View
I try to camp at the tracks, mainly to save a few bucks, and every track is different. This time I waited for the races to be over and pitched my tent in the Handicapped Parking area. There weren't  any RV hookups where I was camped, but that doesn't mean there aren't any available down by the pit area. If I were you, be self sustaining, electrically speaking, to be on the safe side. The restrooms were available over night. For Columbus 151, it's one of the easier tracks to camp at and then be able to leave the next morning. A lot of tracks have a locked gate to the parking lot, but not here. They also show up early the next morning to start picking up trash, which is when I had a chance to talk to the promoters. Turns out, they've been very creative while updating the separate buildings. Garage doors, bank windows, seats and other materiel have been recycled from other buildings being remodeled in the area in order to brighten up the old girl.

I noticed after the races were over at several tracks this past year, the pits emptied faster than someone shouting "FIRE!!" in a movie theater. Sad, very sad. Not here though, you might even stumble into a party in the pits after the races. It is Wisconsin after all. Columbus 151 is one of the old grassroots tracks that need to survive. Is it the fastest and fanciest track on the continent? No, but it is one of the more relaxing and fun venues to take your family on a Friday night. Check it out some time.

To check out their site, go to:

Your friend,
